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[스크랩] 풍경 경치 속으로,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

바닷가의 추억 2008. 6. 20. 21:03

세계 최고의 비경 - 베스트10

      아프리카 빅토리아 폭포의 장엄한 낙수
      Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

      미국 그랜드캐니언의 웅장한 지형
      Grand Canyon, USA

      터키 카파도키아 불가사의한 자연 경관
      Cappadocia, Turkey

      베네수엘라의 기아나고지와 엔젤폭포
      Guiana highlands, Venezuela

      중국 황산의 신비한 아름다움!
      Huangshan China

      파키스탄 북부 산악지역의 눈 덮인 고봉들
      Hunza, Pakistan

      캐나다 로키산맥의 100% 무공해 숲과 호수
      Rocky Mts. Canada

      나미비아의 별이지는 사막
      Soussusvlei, Namibia

      볼리비아 소금사막에서 칠레로 이어지는 경이로운 풍광
      Sala de Uyuni, Bolivia

      호주 그레이트오션로드의 아찔한 해안 절벽과 바다
      Great Ocean Road, Australia

The Himalaya,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


히말라야 ,카라코람,천산산맥,타클라마칸,티벳고원......

The mountain range of the
Himalaya arises behind the plains of the Ganges River in northern India and is the highest mountain range on Earth generated by the collision of the Indian tectonic plate with Asia. Behind the Tibetan Plateau can be seen and further in the background the Taklamakan desert

에베레스트 & 칸첸중가

Closeup view of the
Himalayas in Nepal with some of the highest peaks: In the foreground the Kanchenjunga (8586m) at the border between India and Nepal and the eastmost mountain above 8000m. Behind the Mount Everest (8844m). To the left the green regions of lower Nepal and northern India and to the right the high plains of Tibet

인더스강 & 카라코람

Closeup view of the valley of the
Indus River in northern Pakistan on its way between the Nanga Parbat on the right and the Karakoram Mountains at the horizon

동부 히말라야의 주봉 남차바와 & 알롱창포 대협곡

The Namcha Barwa (7782m) on the right and the Gyala Peri on the left (7294m) are a pair of mountain peaks that flank the Tsangpo Gorge where the Yarlung Tsangpo river descends from the Tibetan Plateau in a deep and narrow valley. Behind the mountains of eastern


출처 : ♬미리내 소리사랑♬
글쓴이 : 불나비ㅡ 원글보기
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